Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Letters To my BFF - Part 3 - Bun In the Oven

Dearest Friend... 

Remember when you first learned you were pregnant... Oh my you could eat. It seemed like you were eating for four, the munchies, the strange mix of food, Mayonnaise and marmite and peanutbutter. Yip.. what a combination. 

Obvious that was also mixed with Marie biscuits and more tea. 

Obviously we still would spend many more days together growing together as friends... 

Remember those walks to the cafe 2 blocks away? We'd take walks so you could get exercise especially for your baby before he was born... always once a week with me to the shop and back, often to buy your cigarettes, and a few extra necessary groceries.  Oh and the talks we had about our dreams and just random stuff that caught our attention. 

Of course, what wouldn't be complete without taking you to the clinic for your check up. How everyone thought we were a couple, That I was the husband.
I remember waiting with you in the long ques and waiting along while the nurses saw you. Your 1st scan... I felt so honored to have been the first one to see your baby. It was very exciting for me. 

I think those visits were pretty regular. once a month for nine months. I even took you and James to the hospital, plus even picked you up.. 

*Laughing... Okay, looking back it was funny, but at the time it could have proved fatal to your baby, and my life, what with James sitting in the car next to me on the way home from the hospital... Lol. Again it's brake problems. 

Yes, remember how I stopped suddenly, but at the same time trying to be gentle, as the car in front of us had a trailer, and as I came to a stop, I gently bumped his rear end. It was just our luck the driver up front was like.. "Hey, don't worry about it., It's cool" 

Having James shout at me, and warning me to drive more carefully when in the middle of the traffic, I was already driving at a snails pace. But we made it home safely, with you and baby and James and his mom in tact. 

Many early adventures for you and I.. 

Although good times must come to an end, right? I was more sad to see you and James leave for Durban. You remember? ...and when you guys left. It was heartbreaking so much but I knew somehow we would see you guys on our visits to Durbs...

I would miss the company, The arbitrary conversations about fairies, elves, and how we believed that they exist, and because of how humanity had changed, and their belief and religion, that they, "The Old World" had vanished.  I missed the afternoon lunches when James came home, and the family visits from your uncle and his girlfriend... Boy, She could make really amazing Thai food.

Yet of course, Sam and I later moved there.. Remember, 2005, March?
Yes, That was the year and month. 

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