Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Letters To My BFF - Part 4, Back In Durban

Dearest Friend...

Well, As they say.. There is no place like home... or Home is where the heart is... Well, I guess, somehow, I was meant to come back to Durban... My heart was here all along... Considering that you were originally from Durban yourself. "Rough and Tough from the Bluff" 

Well, you certainly live up to that motto. Lol. Well. 

Sam and I are now In Durban, and, well... As our marriage is well onto 2 years now, we have certainly been happy... (or so I thought) I got back, and so many emotions rushed all over me... 

Visiting old friends, and wanting more in my life came out so often. I could not help but search for more... 

It was strange. Although, We made several attempts to visit, I can only remember visiting you at least around 3 times while you and James were together... 

I could not help but feel that there was tension with James, and so we slowly had been drifting apart... It was March, 2005, when we moved back... 

In 2006 June, I remember you calling me at work, and so we chatted. You made an attempt to stay in contact with me.. It was the best feeling... To feel like I was someone's friend and they to wanted it.

Not James though, he had made very little attempt. Even though you were going through so much you had made the effort to be there... Thank you, Of course, at the time, I was "Happily Married"

After all, your reason for the call was... "So when is Sally due?" (My first daughter) Well, I was up in Mt Edgecome, at one of our sites, installing a picket fence, and this was rather an exciting time for both you and I. 

We were Expecting Sally and you were excited for us, despite this. This was also the time you called to say that things were over between yourself and James... 

Yet you stayed in contact... you made an effort to keep the friendship and James was moving on.

I saw a real friend in you.. Your call and presence was gratefully appreciated.

Thank You 

Fred <3

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